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BORDERLESS HOUSE SHINJUKU-NAKANO1-Share House in Shinjuku, Nakano, Kichijoji

Available rooms
  • Female×Japanese nationality


◆ Just one stop away from Shinjuku from JR Nakano station! It takes only 6 minutes to Takadanobaba station, and 14 minutes to Shibuya station by train! Living in Nakano area offers a ton of convenience!◆

【About Nakano Area】
On the north side of Nakano Station is a lively area where you’ll find a big shopping street bustling with customers. There are many restaurants, bars and izakaya where you can enjoy the nightlife in the neighborhood and great access to supermarkets for groceries/household goods.

Nakano Broadway, a large complex where has many stores specializing in vintage anime/manga goods. It's a famous must-visit place for people who love subcultures such as comics and anime. This place attracts collectors and tourists from around the world.

On the south side of Nakano Station has a calmer atmosphere. But you can also find a lot of cafes, restaurants and hidden bars in this stylish street, called Rengazaka Street.

SHINJUKU-NAKANO1 share house is located on the north side of Nakano which is very convenient for shopping or having fun with friends! But don't worry about the noise, the share house is a really nice and quiet residential area, there are also a temple and a church nearby.

This is a 14 people share house, so you will have more chances to meet people from different countries and learn new languages! Most of the rooms at SHINJUKU-NAKANO1 share house are private rooms, so you will be able to enjoy your own private time while living in a multicultural and multilingual environment! We are sure that you will have a great time living in this area as well as in this house!

※ Non smoking house Smokers are NOT allowed to move in.

  • Shinjuku・Nakano・Kichijoji Area
  • Nakano Station, JR Chuo/ Tokyo-Metro Tozai Line 10mins walk.
  • Community Members Countries 12 tenants!
  • House Type
  • 15~19 people
  • Gender Mix
  • Non smoking house


※These pictures were taken when the house newly opened

※These pictures were taken when the house newly opened


Area map

sharehouse area map
sharehouse access map

The closest station

  • Nakano Station, JR Chuo/ Tokyo-Metro Tozai Line 10mins walk.
  • Arai-Yakushi Station, Seibu Shinjuku Line 13mins walk.

The time required from the major railway stations

  • Shinjuku:4mins
  • Shibuya:14mins
  • Shinagawa:29mins
  • Takadanobaba:6mins
  • Ikebukuro:14mins
  • Ueno:27mins
  • Roppongi:23mins
  • Yokohama:36mins


In Common Space

  • Microwave
  • Rice Cooker
  • Washing machine
  • Refrigerator
  • Two Shower room
  • High-speed Wireless Internet
  • TV
  • Three wash-basin
  • Parking for bicycle
  • Three toilets

In Each Room

  • High-speed Wireless Internet
  • Air Conditioner
  • Desk / Desk lamp / Chair
  • You could rent a bedding set from us or bring it by yourself. There is an additional one-time rental fee - 9,000 yen for a bedding set. (Bedding set includes sheet, mattress pad, futon, futon cover, pillow, pillow cover, and blanket.)
  • Bed / Bookshelf / Clothing Storage


Bed No.Type(people)SizeGenderRentMonthly
and Internet
Current tenant infoStatusAvailable fromApplicable NationalitiesApply
Room for 1 9.33㎡Female¥72,000¥14,000


I’m so excited to have this amazing opportunity to be able to live with lovely housemates from all over the world!
See more

I am a backpacker from Saitama currently working for a trading company in Tokyo. I used to live in England for 2 years and I speak Japanese, English. I’m so excited to have this amazing opportunity to be able to live with lovely housemates from all over the world! 東京で貿易会社に勤めており、以前は2年間イギリスのロンドンに住んでいました。バックパッカーとして世界を見たり、新しい価値観に巡り合ったりすることが好きなので、ここでの生活が楽しみです。

Room for 1 9.32㎡Male¥72,000¥14,000


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こんにちは、東京に留学で来た日本のサウンドスケープを研究しているフランスの学生です。趣味は映画を観たり制作したりすることやサルサ踊りですが、日本にいるうちに色々やってみようと思っています。フランス語、英語、日本語ができて、その上にスペイン語とイタリア語で少し話せます。 Hello there, I am a French student doing an exchange program in Tokyo and doing some research about Japanese soundscape. I enjoy watching films and dancing salsa in my free time but I’m pretty much up to trying anything during my time in Japan. I mainly speak French, English, and Japanese, and some Spanish and Italian as well.

Room for 1 8.59㎡Any¥72,000¥14,000


Room for 1 7.5㎡Female¥72,000¥14,000


Right NowJapanese nationalityReservationRoom-viewing
Room for 1 7.93㎡Female¥72,000¥14,000


Right NowJapanese nationalityReservationRoom-viewing
Room for 1 9.47㎡Male¥73,000¥14,000


In my free time, I enjoy going to the gym!
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Hello! I’m a third-year university student majoring in Economics. My native language is Japanese, and I’m currently studying English. I’m also interested in learning multiple languages and hope to study Spanish and French in the future. In my free time, I enjoy going to the gym! I’m also good at soccer. Additionally, I’m interested in data analysis and currently studying it. I’d love to connect with people who are interested in data analysis and cultural exchange! こんにちは!大学3年生で経済学を専攻しています。母語は日本語で英語の勉強中です。また多言語に興味がありスペイン語、フランス語などもいつか学びたいと思っています。時間がある時はジムに行ったりしています!サッカーも得意です!またデータ分析にも興味があり勉強しています。データ分析や異文化交流に興味がある人と繋がりたいです!

Room for 1 9.69㎡Female¥73,000¥14,000


I moved over to Japan to be able to better learn the language.
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Hello, I moved over to Japan to be able to better learn the language. I studied cinema & television so I will be more than happy than to have in depth conversation on such topics but as well of anime and fashion. I’m more on the introverted side but I love connecting via passions and I’m always for playing board games and tea time in a super cute café. こんにちは、日本語を勉強するために日本に引っ越しました。映画とテレビを専攻しましたので、あれについて深く話し合う出来てすごく嬉しいです。アニメとファションについても話し合う嬉しいです。内向的ですが、情熱で人と繋がるが好きです。いつもボードゲームをしたり、超かわいいカフェでお茶を楽しんだりしています。読んでくれてありがとうねぇ〜。

Room for 2 13.68㎡Male¥52,000¥11,000


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中国の北西出身です。出身地の名物牛肉麺が美味しくて、子供の頃よく食べました。去年仙台に住んでいた時、初めて麺屋とがしのラーメン試したけど、牛肉麺に引けを取らない美味しさを味わいました。今回は仕事の関係で東京に引っ越しして、たくさん友達を作りたいと思います。もちろん、日本語力と英語力も向上させたいです。N1資格を持っているので、もし日本語の問題があったら、非ネイティブの視点から教えます。英語は得意ではないですが、簡単な会話ならなんとかなると思います。週末はよくビデオゲームをやりますが、友達と一緒にいる時間を大切にしています。 I'm from Northwest China. The beef noodle soup in my hometown is so delicious that I often ate it when I was a child. When I lived in Sendai last year, I tried the ramen at the noodle shop "Togashi" for the first time, and it was so delicious that it was comparable to beef noodle soup. I moved to Tokyo this time for work, and I would like to make many friends. Of course, I also want to improve my Japanese and English skills. I have an N1 certificate, so if you have any problems with Japanese, I will teach you from a non-native perspective. I'm not good at English, but I can manage simple conversations. I often play video games on weekends, but I value spending time with friends.



音楽が好きで留学に向けて英語を勉強しています。I love music and now preparing for studying abroad!
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はじめまして、わたしはアルバイトをしながら留学に向けて英語を勉強しています。日本語が母語で英語を現在勉強しています。 休みの日は音楽に関する何かをしているか、お酒を飲みに行ったりしています。音楽好きな方とはぜひ関わってみたいと思います。 Hi, everyone! I am now working part-time and studying English to prepare for studying abroad at the same time. On my day off, I like to do something related to music or enjoy drinking with my friends. It would be great if I could make good relationships with someone who also loves music!

Room for 1 7.57㎡Any¥72,000¥14,000


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Hello! I'm a software engineer and creative who came to Japan for business and learning opportunities. I speak English, Spanish, and am learning Japanese and Chinese. I love all kinds of activities, especially creative things like photography, making music, art, films, and video games! I play a few different instruments. I also love traveling and exploring. I'm looking forward to meeting new and adventurous people. I'm always open to making new friendships, so feel free to reach out! はじめまして!仕事と学びの機会を求めて日本に来たソフトウェアエンジニアでクリエイターです。英語とスペイン語を話せて、今は日本語と中国語を勉強中です。 写真撮影、音楽作り、アート、映画、ゲームなど、クリエイティブな活動を中心にいろんなことに興味があります!いくつかの楽器も演奏します。旅行や新しい場所の探索も大好きです。 新しい仲間と冒険的な出会いを楽しみにしています。いつでも友達作りに前向きなので、気軽に声をかけてください!

Room for 1 7.52㎡Female¥72,000¥14,000


Hello, I have just graduated from school and am here to intern for an architecture firm!
See more

Hello, I have just graduated from school and am here to intern for an architecture firm! I speak English, Mandarin, some French, and a bit of Japanese (I will keep studying!) I love sketching and crafts like knitting and jewelry-making, and I have recently started to learn how to dance. I also like to take long walks to explore! I'm excited to meet different people and have fun conversations! こんにちは、学校を卒業したばかりで、建築会社でインターンとして働いています。英語、中国語、フランス語、日本語が少し話せます(これからも勉強します!)。スケッチや編み物、ジュエリー作りなどの手芸が大好きで、最近はダンスも習い始めました。また、散策しながら長い散歩をするのも好きです!いろいろな人と出会い、楽しい会話をするのが楽しみです~

Room for 1 7.74㎡Female¥72,000¥14,000


I look forward to meet a lot of new people and visit new places in my free time. 新友人に会うことを待ち望んで、暇な時に街も見物して欲しいです。
See more

Hello! I’m a Japanese Language and Culture graduate student who came to Japan to improve the language. I speak English, Italian, Japanese and Spanish. I love reading and listening to music. I look forward to meet a lot of new people and visit new places in my free time. こんにちは!日本語と日本文化大学から卒業した学生です。日本語を話すことを向上させるために東京に来ました。 英語とイタリア語とスパイン語と日本語を喋られます。本と漫画を読むことと音楽を聞くことも好きです。 新友人に会うことを待ち望んで、暇な時に街も見物して欲しいです。

Room for 1 8.25㎡Male¥72,000¥14,000


Hi, i’m a japanese language student trying to build a future here, i like languages and logic games.
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Hi, i’m a japanese language student trying to build a future here, i like languages and logic games. よろしく! こんにちは。私は日本語語学学校の学生で、日本で働けるように頑張っています。語学とゲームロジックが好きです。

Room for 1 9.6㎡Any¥73,000¥14,000


Bed No.Type(people)SizeGenderRentMonthly
and Internet
Current tenant infoStatusAvailable fromApplicable NationalitiesApply
Room for 1 7.5㎡Female¥72,000¥14,000


Right NowJapanese nationalityReservationRoom-viewing
Room for 1 7.93㎡Female¥72,000¥14,000


Right NowJapanese nationalityReservationRoom-viewing



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities

Japanese nationality


Available from

Right Now

Current tenant info



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities

Japanese nationality


Available from

Right Now

Current tenant info



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

I’m so excited to have this amazing opportunity to be able to live with lovely housemates from all over the world!Read more...

I am a backpacker from Saitama currently working for a trading company in Tokyo. I used to live in England for 2 years and I speak Japanese, English. I’m so excited to have this amazing opportunity to be able to live with lovely housemates from all over the world! 東京で貿易会社に勤めており、以前は2年間イギリスのロンドンに住んでいました。バックパッカーとして世界を見たり、新しい価値観に巡り合ったりすることが好きなので、ここでの生活が楽しみです。



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info


こんにちは、東京に留学で来た日本のサウンドスケープを研究しているフランスの学生です。趣味は映画を観たり制作したりすることやサルサ踊りですが、日本にいるうちに色々やってみようと思っています。フランス語、英語、日本語ができて、その上にスペイン語とイタリア語で少し話せます。 Hello there, I am a French student doing an exchange program in Tokyo and doing some research about Japanese soundscape. I enjoy watching films and dancing salsa in my free time but I’m pretty much up to trying anything during my time in Japan. I mainly speak French, English, and Japanese, and some Spanish and Italian as well.



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities

Japanese nationality


Available from

Right Now

Current tenant info



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities

Japanese nationality


Available from

Right Now

Current tenant info



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

In my free time, I enjoy going to the gym!Read more...

Hello! I’m a third-year university student majoring in Economics. My native language is Japanese, and I’m currently studying English. I’m also interested in learning multiple languages and hope to study Spanish and French in the future. In my free time, I enjoy going to the gym! I’m also good at soccer. Additionally, I’m interested in data analysis and currently studying it. I’d love to connect with people who are interested in data analysis and cultural exchange! こんにちは!大学3年生で経済学を専攻しています。母語は日本語で英語の勉強中です。また多言語に興味がありスペイン語、フランス語などもいつか学びたいと思っています。時間がある時はジムに行ったりしています!サッカーも得意です!またデータ分析にも興味があり勉強しています。データ分析や異文化交流に興味がある人と繋がりたいです!



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

I moved over to Japan to be able to better learn the language.Read more...

Hello, I moved over to Japan to be able to better learn the language. I studied cinema & television so I will be more than happy than to have in depth conversation on such topics but as well of anime and fashion. I’m more on the introverted side but I love connecting via passions and I’m always for playing board games and tea time in a super cute café. こんにちは、日本語を勉強するために日本に引っ越しました。映画とテレビを専攻しましたので、あれについて深く話し合う出来てすごく嬉しいです。アニメとファションについても話し合う嬉しいです。内向的ですが、情熱で人と繋がるが好きです。いつもボードゲームをしたり、超かわいいカフェでお茶を楽しんだりしています。読んでくれてありがとうねぇ〜。



Utilities and Internet¥11,000


Room TypeRoom for 2 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info


中国の北西出身です。出身地の名物牛肉麺が美味しくて、子供の頃よく食べました。去年仙台に住んでいた時、初めて麺屋とがしのラーメン試したけど、牛肉麺に引けを取らない美味しさを味わいました。今回は仕事の関係で東京に引っ越しして、たくさん友達を作りたいと思います。もちろん、日本語力と英語力も向上させたいです。N1資格を持っているので、もし日本語の問題があったら、非ネイティブの視点から教えます。英語は得意ではないですが、簡単な会話ならなんとかなると思います。週末はよくビデオゲームをやりますが、友達と一緒にいる時間を大切にしています。 I'm from Northwest China. The beef noodle soup in my hometown is so delicious that I often ate it when I was a child. When I lived in Sendai last year, I tried the ramen at the noodle shop "Togashi" for the first time, and it was so delicious that it was comparable to beef noodle soup. I moved to Tokyo this time for work, and I would like to make many friends. Of course, I also want to improve my Japanese and English skills. I have an N1 certificate, so if you have any problems with Japanese, I will teach you from a non-native perspective. I'm not good at English, but I can manage simple conversations. I often play video games on weekends, but I value spending time with friends.



Utilities and Internet¥11,000


Room TypeRoom for 2 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

音楽が好きで留学に向けて英語を勉強しています。I love music and now preparing for studying abroad!

はじめまして、わたしはアルバイトをしながら留学に向けて英語を勉強しています。日本語が母語で英語を現在勉強しています。 休みの日は音楽に関する何かをしているか、お酒を飲みに行ったりしています。音楽好きな方とはぜひ関わってみたいと思います。 Hi, everyone! I am now working part-time and studying English to prepare for studying abroad at the same time. On my day off, I like to do something related to music or enjoy drinking with my friends. It would be great if I could make good relationships with someone who also loves music!



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info


Hello! I'm a software engineer and creative who came to Japan for business and learning opportunities. I speak English, Spanish, and am learning Japanese and Chinese. I love all kinds of activities, especially creative things like photography, making music, art, films, and video games! I play a few different instruments. I also love traveling and exploring. I'm looking forward to meeting new and adventurous people. I'm always open to making new friendships, so feel free to reach out! はじめまして!仕事と学びの機会を求めて日本に来たソフトウェアエンジニアでクリエイターです。英語とスペイン語を話せて、今は日本語と中国語を勉強中です。 写真撮影、音楽作り、アート、映画、ゲームなど、クリエイティブな活動を中心にいろんなことに興味があります!いくつかの楽器も演奏します。旅行や新しい場所の探索も大好きです。 新しい仲間と冒険的な出会いを楽しみにしています。いつでも友達作りに前向きなので、気軽に声をかけてください!



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

Hello, I have just graduated from school and am here to intern for an architecture firm!Read more...

Hello, I have just graduated from school and am here to intern for an architecture firm! I speak English, Mandarin, some French, and a bit of Japanese (I will keep studying!) I love sketching and crafts like knitting and jewelry-making, and I have recently started to learn how to dance. I also like to take long walks to explore! I'm excited to meet different people and have fun conversations! こんにちは、学校を卒業したばかりで、建築会社でインターンとして働いています。英語、中国語、フランス語、日本語が少し話せます(これからも勉強します!)。スケッチや編み物、ジュエリー作りなどの手芸が大好きで、最近はダンスも習い始めました。また、散策しながら長い散歩をするのも好きです!いろいろな人と出会い、楽しい会話をするのが楽しみです~



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

I look forward to meet a lot of new people and visit new places in my free time. 新友人に会うことを待ち望んで、暇な時に街も見物して欲しいです。Read more...

Hello! I’m a Japanese Language and Culture graduate student who came to Japan to improve the language. I speak English, Italian, Japanese and Spanish. I love reading and listening to music. I look forward to meet a lot of new people and visit new places in my free time. こんにちは!日本語と日本文化大学から卒業した学生です。日本語を話すことを向上させるために東京に来ました。 英語とイタリア語とスパイン語と日本語を喋られます。本と漫画を読むことと音楽を聞くことも好きです。 新友人に会うことを待ち望んで、暇な時に街も見物して欲しいです。



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

Hi, i’m a japanese language student trying to build a future here, i like languages and logic games.Read more...

Hi, i’m a japanese language student trying to build a future here, i like languages and logic games. よろしく! こんにちは。私は日本語語学学校の学生で、日本で働けるように頑張っています。語学とゲームロジックが好きです。



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

Please click on the button for the room you wish to reserve.

Please sign up below for a room-viewing for this house!


Please feel free to ask for advice!

If your favorite room is not available right now, please fill out this form.You will be notified as soon as a new vacancy comes up.

Our system is currently having an error to send emails to the address provided by hotmail・livemail・outlook.
Please use the email address provided by other companies (Gmail, yahoo, ...etc.), or refer to the link to solve the problem.
If you don't hear from us for more than 2-3days, please contact us via Skype or call. Thank you.

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female 20's

ボーダレスハウスに住んだからこそ、海外により興味が持てました。 普段経験することがない経験ができ、非常に満足しています!


male 20's

*一番の思い出  江ノ島&鎌倉旅行 *滞在したことで得られたもの  国際色豊かなハウスメイトとの繋がり(海外の方・日本人ともに)  語学力(日本国内でも英語が使えた) *ご自身の中で変化したと感じること  人との繋がりの大切さを、より強く感じるようになった。 自分だけでは知り得ない・出来ないことでも、人に情報をシェアしてもらったり、人を繋いでもらったりすることで、実現できることが多々あった。自分も無理のない範囲で、情報をシェアしたり人を繋いだりしていきたい。


female 20's



female 20's



male 20's



female 10's

My stay was amazing! I was not expecting to love all of my housemates, there were 16 of us, but I did!


  • Inquire Searching for an available room

    Reserve your room or Inquire us from our website/phone.Make a reservation for room-viewing.

  • Room-viewing

    You can also make a reservation without room-viewing.

  • Confirmation of room reservation

    You can move-in after 2 days at the earliest. You can make a reservation from the list above.

  • Contract・Move-in

    Making a contract either in our office or the House.


  • Can I move-in soon? Can I stay only for a month?
    You can make a reservation without room-viewing. So, you can move-in after 2 days at the earliest.
    Minimum of 1 month-stay is required.
  • How much does it cost to move in?
    Initial fee 50,000 yen (30,000 yen key money and 20,000 yen deposit are included) and the first month's rent and utility fee have to be paid within three business days after the reservation is confirmed. If you would like to rent the bedding set, there is an additional one-time rental fee - 9,000 yen. (Bedding set includes sheet, mattress pad, futon, futon cover, pillow, pillow cover, and blanket.)

    *Rent and utility for the first month are calculated on a pro-rated basis from the day you move in.
    *If the room you reserved is currently available, your rent starts 2 weeks after you sent us the reservation at the latest. If the room will be available from a certain day, your rent will start 2 weeks after the available day at the latest.
    *Restoration Fee 5,000 yen~10,000 yen will be deducted from the deposit, depends on the duration of your stay.
    We ask for an initial fee of 800,000won total, consisting of 300,000won management fee and 500,000won deposit within 3 business days after your reservation is confirmed.
    Management fee is non-refundable and this is covering the maintenance of the house and other support we give our tenants. Deposit is refundable so we will give this back to you on your moving out day if there is no problem.
    This initial fee has to be paid within three days after the reservation was confirmed. In case you are renting a bedding set from us, there is an additional one-time rental fee of 60,000 won. Rent and utility of the first month (calculated on a pro-rated basis from the day of your move-in) has to be paid by your move-in day.
    The initial fee totals 6,500 NTD, including a management fee of 1,500 NTD and a deposit of 5,000 NTD. Please complete the payment within one day after receiving the confirmation email of your reservation.
    ※The rent and utility fees for the first month (calculated from the move-in day until the end of the month) must be paid on the move-in day.
    ※If the room you reserved is currently available, your rent will begin to be calculated from 14 days after you sent us the reservation at the latest. If the room becomes available on a specific date, your rent will start to be calculated from 14 days after that available date at the latest.
  • Can I move-in even though I cannot speak local language?
    There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
    There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
    There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
  • Can I get along with my housemates?
    Borderless House offers you great opportunities to communicate with people. Our tenants discuss & set the House rules like cleaning rules together. Through those discusstion, they create nice and comfortable life environment.
    It is our pleasure to support our tenants even after their move-in. Please do not hesitate to contact us!

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